A Guide to Introducing and Passing Resolutions in any Texas Democratic Party Convention
Resolutions may be submitted to the Resolution Committee after the CEC and Senate District Committee meets to canvass primary votes after the March 4th primary election day. That primary canvass meeting occurred on Thursday, March 13, 2014.
CLICK HERE to jump to the Resolution submission form at the bottom of this article. Mobile browser users, scroll down.
Democrats attending a County / SD Convention may present Resolutions
at the convention for the purpose of sending instructions and comments
about issues to the next higher level of convention, e.g. the state
convention. Resolutions submitted to a County / SD Convention are open
for debate, amendment and adoption or rejection.
getting to the floor of County / SD Convention, a Resolutions Committee
will review all of the resolutions submitted from within the county or
the district and then make a Committee report recommending the
resolutions to be presented to the full body of the county or the
senatorial district convention. Resolutions adopted at a County / SD
Convention are then forwarded to the state convention for debate,
amendment and adoption or rejection.
There will be a
Temporary Platform/Resolutions Committee at the state convention that
will review the thousands of resolutions adopted by counties and
senatorial districts throughout the State of Texas. The Committee will
report to the Permanent Platform/Resolutions Committee that is elected
at the state convention. The Permanent Platform/Resolutions Committee
will then offer its report containing many of those resolutions to the
full body of the state convention for debate, amendment, and adoption or
rejection. Because the state convention is so large, you should attend
and testify before the Temporary and/or Permanent Platform/Resolutions
Committee if you want to have specific input on a subject of special
interest to you.
The County or Senatorial District
Committee for Resolutions may meet prior to the Call to Order of the
County or Senatorial District Convention to organize their work and make
preliminary recommendations of submitted resolutions. Any attendee to
the SD Convention may submit to the Chair, or a designee, a proposed
resolution for consideration by the Convention.
may be submitted to the SD Convention Resolution Committee after the
Senate District Committee meets in CEC meeting to canvass primary votes
after the March 4th primary election day. That vote canvass meeting is
scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2014, one week before Convention Day.
Instructions for submitting resolutions will be posted on this blog on
Friday, March 14, 2014.
The Chair shall announce at the
beginning of the SD Convention where and with whom resolutions shall be
filed. The period for filing resolutions shall be open for at least one
hour from the time of said announcement. The Convention may waive this
one hour period if there is no objection from any attendee.
Writing Your Resolution